# Booking public library computers

Some of the public computers at your local library may be available for booking. Go to https://ebooking.dpg.fi/city(replace the text ‘city’ with the name of your home city).Ask your library for the correct website address if necessary. After you have logged in you’ll see will see the home page.

# Booking a computer

Here’s how to book a public computer:

  1. Click on the 'Book a workstation' link.

  2. You will be shown a calendar where you can select the day you wish to book. Click the number of the day you want thenselect the workstation to reserveit.

  3. Selectthe library or department where you want book computers from.

  4. Select booking duration.

    When you select30 min eBooking will show only computers that can be booked for a maximum half an hour. Similarly, when you select 60 min eBooking shows only those machines that can be booked for an hour.

  5. In the ‘Available workstations’ box pick the time you want and click ‘Select workstation’ next to it. eBooking will show you list of computers available at that time. Select the computer you want by clicking its name. If you need a longer booking, select the same computer from subsequent rows.

  6. Click the ‘Book’ button to complete your booking.

# Possible errors during booking

If your booking fails, the reason is usually one of the following:

'Select workstation’ means that you didn’t select computer from the timetable before clicking the ‘Book’ button.

'Your computer is reserved by someone else’, means that someone else was booking the same computer for the same as you were and hit the ‘Book’ button before you.Select another time or workstation and try again.

The number of bookings per day and per user may be limited by your library. eBooking will tell you if you’re try to exceed that limit. If that happens try making booking for another day or ask a member of the library staff for assistance.

# Browsing and canceling your bookings

If you want to check your bookings or cancel any of them,do the following:

  1. Click the ‘Browse’or ‘delete bookings’link.

  2. eBooking will list all your upcoming bookings if you have any.You can filter the list by library or department.You can also order the list by date or time.

  3. If you want to cancel any of your bookings, selectthecheckboxnext to booking you want to cancel.

  4. Click ‘Cancel selected’to confirm the cancellation.